This is the first time I've used circular needles. In the past, I've always converted the patterns requiring circular needles to accomodate straight needles. I decided, this time, to follow the pattern as such and I'm glad I did. So far, so good! I'm about 6" away from finishing the body and the circulars are remarkably easy to use!
Here's a picture of my progress so far...
This is a picture of a felted lunch bag I knit as a gift for my mom-in-law, Judy, for her birthday earlier this month. The bottom of the bag is great because it sits flat; it's knit as a 5 sts cast-on, with a steady series of increases. A couple of rows of reversed stitches create the ridge that forms the beginning bag's body and the handles are made with simple cast-offs and cast-back-on-agains. I will definately knit this bag again!