Wednesday, February 1, 2012

catching up...

Happy New Year!  I know, I know, it's February 1st and the year is already well underway, but I'm up early and I've got lots of knitty pictures to post!  I also wanted to give you a short update as you've all provided Paul and I with so much support and kindness.  If I haven't responded to you directly, please know that your warm wishes have helped tremendously and have comforted us throughout.  Thank You. 
Losing Maisy at just over 6 months was heartbreaking; she was my miracle and the whole thing felt like a cruel joke.  Her birthday was September 20, 2011 but her due date was not until January 27, 2012... I had the chance to experience her delivery and to hold her briefly and although that will never be enough, I am grateful to have been able to tell her she was loved and to have been able to share the experience with Paul. And, I won't even get into how I couldn't have gotten through without Paul.  There are not enough words and he knows...  And my sweet parents; a girl couldn't ask for better. I've never spent so much time with Mom before and I speak to Dad regularly on the phone and see him occasionally (which is 100% more than before!).
winding Chilean wool
So!  Moving on!  I return to work on Friday and I'm looking ahead, with a heavier heart, but still ahead. 
Needless to say, I've had some time on my hands.  The first half of my convalescence was quite unfruitful knitwise, but I have been able to get it together over the last few weeks and here are some pictures of some projects in progress, a couple of finished projects (really!), and of lots and lots of wool!  I've also been working on a new small business project, making delicious, home-made, and all-natural baby food for delivery in my local Moncton area.  Check out my FB page!
Chilean wool, sport/fine weight

fine Alpaca
Alpaca; currently using this to make myself lacy socks!

Noro Silk Garden sock yarn; wound
winding Noro sock yarn

an old knitted shawl

Malabrigo Baby Merino wool, lace weight

Sublime Baby Cashmere Merino Silk, DK
Peruvian Baby Alpaca, lace weight

Well, I've been at this awhile, and it's time to knit this one up!  But before I go, one more picture.  I was checking out my very talented cousin Nicole's blog, and she has a picture of her workspace in which there sits a sweet little owl, previously belonging to our grand-mother.  I also have a shy little owl that once belonged to her as well and I wanted to share it with Nicole. oo